Monday, January 19, 2009

Books, Books, and More Books

I went in to my classroom today to work on reorganizing my student library. Ugh! A one day job it is not. Our county educational consultant (bless her little heart!) volunteered to come in and help me make my cataloging system more student friendly, and I took her up on it. Well, after four hours of work and a wonderful Panera Bread lunch, I am nowhere near done. As a matter of fact, it is going to take a major push tomorrow morning for the students who sit neat the bookshelves to even be able to find their desks! I am going to have to go in VERY early in the A.M. tomorrow and try to get a little more organized, but I am still going to need to ask the students to help me. Oh well . . .

On a brighter note, the weather here in Ohio is getting a little warmer! After temps in the five to ten below zero range for a few days, that thirty degree increase to the mid-twenties felt downright balmy! Toward the end of January, I always begin thinking that spring is near, but then I wake up and remember that February through April are always really crappy months around here. The really good news is that it will be warm enough this weekend to be able to go over the the Scrap Shack and play this weekend. Deb and Jack played last weekend, but being the wimp that I am . . .

I'm finally ready to go back to a project I started last winter, but got tired of. I had purchased Sally Jean Alexander's book, Pretty Little Things, and had made several of the things in it like the Home Sweet Home swag, the lighted house, and a few other projects of my own design. Then I decided I was going to make the doll house. I worked on it for a month or so of Friday evenings, then I just lost interest in it.. I got hung up on the collages for the interior walls, plus I don't really like my exterior collages. The glass is all cut and ready to foil, and I think I have some new ideas in mind for the collages. I need to let go of my "too realistic" look and be more abstract in my interpretation. We'll see. Meanwhile, take a peek at my house sans its base. My husband has it on his list of Honey-do's to rout some grooves for my house to set in.

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